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The philosophy of Studio RED Architects began with a desire to create a firm that was different and better.
We asked clients what they wanted in an architecture firm and what we heard was:
[dt_highlight color=”red “]”Someone who is innovative, understands the big picture, but is also practical and will work within the budget.”
“We want to know that we really will get to work with the principals.”
“Architects, who go out of their way to listen, solicit input and pay attention to details.”
“Experience to know what works and doesn’t, but are not afraid to try new things.”[/dt_highlight]
Fueled with our passion to provide quality architecture, with an insistence on design excellence, superior project management and outstanding service, Studio RED was created. We are driven by our intent to:
- Create designs that are outside-the-box but still within budget
- Devise the kind of practical solutions that only come from experience
- Provide hands-on principal involvement
- Always be client-driven, not ego-driven
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